10 Questions with Tailored Made Career Solutions, LLC
I can’t believe this month has gone by so fast and we’re already to the final interview of my 10 Questions series, where I ask Black owned businesses at different stages in their career the same 10 questions. The final interview is with LaTasha Dale, owner of Tailored Made Career Solutions, LLC. I, of course, asked her the same 10 questions. Below are her answers.
Tailored Made Career Solutions, LLC
1. What is your business, and how did it come to be?
Tailored Made Career Solutions is a business that provides and prepares jobseekers with career strategies for a modern day workforce. Whether they are looking to optimize a resume, cover letter, or strategize for a successful job interview, we have tailored made solutions to support their workforce needs.
I’ve always had a passion for guiding and aiding others to reach their career goals and full potential but before I officially launched Tailored Made Career Solutions, I would always be the go to person that would review friends and family resumes or provide them with strategies to consider when interviewing.
In 2020, I decided to launch Tailored Made Career Solutions to assist those professionals with tips and tricks to consider when applying for a job. As a certified career services provider with a state agency and working with adult learners; I felt compelled to specifically target the African American population due to the lack of knowledge of strategically preparing for a job, what to do before an interview, during an interview, and after an interview. The need was very prominent
2. What’s your proudest moment so far?
My proudest moment is having 4 clients to land careers in their desired career field utilizing my career strategies.
3. Do you notice any specific struggles or issues due to your business being Black owned?
As of now I have not noticed any specific struggles or issues due to my business being Black owned. In my opinion, I have not encountered this experience yet due to being a new business who is continually trying to build clientele.
4. Who would benefit most from your business?
The individuals who would benefit the most from Tailored Made Career Solutions are high school students, college students, entry level to mid- level professionals.
5. Do you have someone you could look up to in the professional world? If so, who and why?
I have my high school teacher, Bonita Williams, who I continue to look up to, because her drive and ambition pushed me to become the person I am today. She did not give up on pursuing her dreams and goals but PIVOTED when she had obstacles.
6. Since it’s Black History Month, what Black icon do you relate to most, be it a civil rights leader, celebrity, etc.?
I admire Oprah Winfrey. She’s the epitome of overcoming adversity. I also admire Former First Lady Michelle Obama.
7. What’s your next goal for your business?
My next business goal is to start offering college prep workshops for rural areas in Arkansas.
8. What’s your most popular service/item?
My most popular service items are Resume Revisions and Resume Critique.
9. What’s one non-monetary way someone could support your business right now?
The non-monetary way someone could support Tailored Made is to follow and like on Facebook and Instagram, spread the word about Tailored Made Career Solutions, or make a referral.
10. How can we reach you to work with you?
I can be reached at my website: www.tailoredmadeconsulting.com
Email: tasha@tailoredmadeconsulting.
Phone: 501-510-0670
Facebook: Tailored Made Career Solutions,LLC
Instagram: Tailored Career Solutions
Thank you!
I would like to thank LaTasha for being my last interview in this series. She was very quick to respond with her answers and did an amazing job!
Since March is Women’s History Month, I think I’ll keep this going. Thank you all for joining in each time to read about these awesome business owners and hopefully showing them some support as well!
Stay tuned for my Women’s History interviews, and if you’d like to be one of the women featured email me at alyse@itslysenicole.com. Happy Black History Month!