10 Questions with PrettyGirl Miinks
Hey y’all! Welcome back to the blog! For Black History Month, I’m asking Black owned business owners, from newly established to industry veterans, the same 10 questions to document the differences and similarities in answers. Follow along to read the various responses and to discover new (to you) businesses to support.
Today I’m interviewing LaQuisha Evans, owner of PrettyGirl Miinks and Creations. I asked her 10 questions. Here are her answers.
PrettyGirl Miinks
1. What is your business, and how did it come to be?
My business is PrettyGirl Miinks. It originally came from my desire to help ladies feel pretty. It later expanded to my new desire of ladies’ safety.
2. What’s your proudest moment so far?
I would have to say it was getting my first out of country order! I was more than excited to ship my products to Canada!
3. Do you notice any specific struggles or issues due to your business being Black owned?
Thus far in my business venture, I have not had any issues.
4. Who would benefit most from your business?
My products are mostly geared towards the ladies. However, I do offer versatile products as well.
5. Do you have someone you could look up to in the professional world? If so, who and why?
Rihanna because she has her hands in many different things. She makes music, is an actor, sells makeup, and lingerie. I do have a goal of being into multiple things at one time.
6. Since it’s Black History Month, what Black icon do you relate to most, be it a civil rights leader, celebrity, etc.?
Madame CJ Walker. I can relate to her struggle of perfecting her products to be worthy of her customers. Even though there were other products on the market, she put out her own products.
7. What’s your next goal for your business?
My next goal is to grow my audience and product list.
8. What’s your most popular service/item?
My most popular item, I would have to say, is our safety keychain. The first version contains a window breaker, mini flashlight, lip gloss, wristlet, a fur ball, and lip gloss holder. The second version has the same items as version one with pepper spray added.
9. What’s one non-monetary way someone could support your business right now?
Non-monetary support I could use the most right now would be to promote business on a social media platform with a large following in order for me to gain more exposure.
10. How can we reach you to shop with you?
I can be reached via email at prettygirlmiinks@gmail.com, Instagram at @prettygirlmiinks, Facebook at PrettyGirl Minks, and Etsy at PrettyGirlMiinks.
Thank you!
I would like to thank LaQuisha for being my first interview in this series. I sent her the questions, and she sent the answers and pictures back no more than 30 minutes later.
I would also like to thank you for reading and hope you stay tuned for all the other interviews to come!